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2024년 04월 19일 (금)

생활영어 (1268) We even rode a jet-ski with a new friend whom I met there.

(거기서 만난 친구들과 제트 스키도 탔어요.)

  • 기사입력 : 2018-01-12 07:00:00

  • < 1268 >

    A : Oh, by the way, how was your vacation in Thailand? (그런데요. 타일랜드에서 휴가는 어땠나요?)

    B : It was fantastic. It was summer there so we enjoyed the sun and the beach. We even rode a jet-ski with a new friend whom I met there.

    (정말 좋았죠. 그곳은 여름이었고 해변가와 태양이 너무 좋았어요. 거기서 만난 친구들과 제트 스키도 탔어요.)

    A : I envy you. What about the food? Were you able to try their traditional food?

    (부럽네요. 음식은 어땠어요? 전통 음식은 먹어보았나요?)

    B : Sure, I really enjoyed the food. (물론이죠. 음식은 정말 맛있었어요.)

    창원시 B&J English 어학원

    원장 : 이봉조

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    홈페이지 : www.bjcnn.com

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